Ingredients for Cauliflower Rice:
* 1 bag frozen Cauliflower Rice
* 1/2 cup chopped carrots
* 1/4 cup chopped onion
* 1 tbsp Olive oil
* 1 tsp grated ginger
* 1 or 2 chopped garlic cloves
* Splash of coconut aminos
* 2 eggs beaten
* Chives for garnish
* Salt and pepper
Ingredients for Shrimp:
* 1 pound raw shelled large shrimp
* 1 tbsp butter
* Citrus Garlic seasoning or Garlic Powder
* Fresh salad greens of your choice
Directions for Cauliflower Rice:
- Sautée all veggies-garlic and ginger in 1 tbsp of Olive oil or Avacado oil for 3 minutes.
- Pour in frozen Cauliflower Rice
- Salt and pepper
- Add Coconut Aminos
- Stir and cook for 8-10 minutes on medium/high heat.
- Push cooked mixture to one side of the pan
- Pour beaten eggs on the other side and cook until scrambled
- Combine/mix both sides together
- Sprinkle chopped Scallions/green onions on top
Directions for Shrimp:
- Season Shrimp with Citrusy Garic or Garlic Powder seasoning on both sides
- Heat 1/2 tbsp butter and 1/2 tbsp Olive oil in a pan
- Cook shrimp for two minutes on each side then turn the heat up to high and cook 1 minute
on each side
Salad greens of your choice with fresh lemon 🍋 squeezed on the greens- Citrusy Garlic Shrimp on top
2 Servings